Archive for July, 2014

Artcrank Seattle 2014

July 26, 2014

Once again, I had the honor of participating in the 2014 version of the Artcrank show in Seattle. This time, the show was at the Fred Wildlife Refuge. It’s a nice space and some of the proceeds were donated to the venue.

I had a hard time designing this piece because I had other freelance gigs going on at the time and I was out of town for a few days. I honestly can say that I designed this poster at hotels, planes and layovers. It’s ok, I’m happy with the outcome.

If you are interested in buying a copy, please visit my store.


Final poster.

Final poster.





My original sketch/idea.

My original sketch/idea.

Layover inking in Philly.

Layover inking in Philly.

L to R: Jeff Wilkson, Charles Youel, Jason Grube, yours truly and JC Arenas.

L to R: Jeff Wilkson, Charles Youel, Jason Grube, yours truly and JC Arenas.

The crowd

The crowd.