Archive for July, 2012

Han Shot First

July 30, 2012

Here is a little type treatment I did for Ten Paces and Draw. This illustration is for the character remix series. Last time I did The Bride from Kill Bill. This time the theme was Star Wars, the character I chose was Han Solo. This is my rendition of the  biggest controversy of all regarding Han Solo. The truth is HAN SHOT FIRST. Period. By the way, I was not alone on this one, the other three illustrators picked the exact same phrase! Totally different styles! Here is mine, along with the initial sketch. Also, if you try really really hard you can kinda see something in the smoke.

Han Shot First


Han Shot First Sketch



Godzilla Sushi Poster

July 16, 2012

I finally decided to put out a limited edition of the Godzilla Sushi poster I designed a couple of years ago with my buddy Jeff Wilkson.
This is a 2 color screen-printed poster. The poster came out great, it was printed by the great Rick Goral over at Row Boat Press.

A lot of people liked it, it got into HOW, Comm Arts, PRINT, etc. and a lot of people asked me for a copy. So here it is. You can but it at my BigCartel Store.

2 color 17 3/8 x 24